Lab 5

Lab 5 Instructions #

Reminders #

  • While other students are coming into class, follow the setup instructions below. (But please wait until you’re instructed before beginning work on the lab.)

  • If you still have some time before class, read the background on today’s lab puzzle below.

  • Preemptive high-five all your tablemates, in anticipation of a wonderful lab.

  • Swap drivers at each exercise. Nobody likes a driving hog.

  • We post lab solutions the next day, with extra information and ways of solving.

Setup instructions #

Head to and follow the Lab Procedures.

Lab puzzle #

Today’s puzzle, to be worked on individually, concerns a simple dice game called “doubles”, a variant of craps, which proceeds as follows: You roll two dice repeatedly until either you roll “doubles” (two of the same number) and lose or you roll a “natural” (in this game, a seven rolled as a three and a four) and win.

Figure 1: Rolling a “natural”

Appropriate types for the game and its outcomes are

type die =
    One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six ;;

type roll =
    Roll of die * die ;;

type outcome =
  | Doubles
  | Natural
  | Other ;;

Now we need a function that determines the outcome of a roll, either doubles, a natural, or something else. Below are some possible implementations of the function. Which ones work in the sense of generating no errors or warnings and having the correct behavior? (Please: No cheating by running the answers through OCaml. The idea is for you to figure it out yourself.)


let outcome roll =
  match roll with
  | Roll (x, x) -> Doubles
  | Roll (Three, Four)
  | Roll (Four, Three) -> Natural
  | _ -> Other ;;


let outcome roll =
  match roll with
  | Roll (x, y) -> if x = y then Doubles else Other
  | Roll (Three, Four)
  | Roll (Four, Three) -> Natural
  | _ -> Other ;;


let outcome roll =
  match roll with
  | Roll (x, y) -> if x = y then Doubles
  | Roll (Three, Four)
  | Roll (Four, Three) -> Natural
  | _ -> Other ;;


let outcome roll =
  match roll with
  | Roll (Three, Four)
  | Roll (Four, Three) -> Natural
  | Roll (x, y) -> if x = y then Doubles else Other
  | _ -> Other ;;


let outcome roll =
  match roll with
  | Roll (Three, Four) -> Natural
  | Roll (Four, Three) -> Natural
  | Roll (x, x) -> Doubles
  | _ -> Other ;;


let outcome roll =
  match roll with
  | Roll (Three, Four)
  | Roll (Four, Three) -> Natural
  | Roll (x, y) -> if x = y then Doubles else Other
  | Roll (_, _) -> Other ;;

G. None of them work.